Luke is a former Royal Navy Defence Medic and served for 6.5 years. Luke has travelled all over the world with the Royal Navy from Australia with HMS Sutherland, to the arctic circle with 3 Commando Brigade, working with their Arctic warfare specialists in -32 degrees celsius.
Being a pre-hospital trauma specialist, Luke has had to work under mass pressure where lives are at stake if things aren’t done correctly and swiftly. His proudest achievement is running a traumatic cardiac arrest situation where him and his team brought back a women who later made a full recovery and returned home to her husband and 2 children.
Luke is now a full time PT/online coach helping people reach goals they never thought they could achieve. De-bunking fitness and diet myths with showing people that their dream outcome is more than possible.
“Fitness for me is more than surface level, being formerly morbidly obese at 17 stone with a 40 inch waist at the age of 16 I completely feel the pain of every session I write up. Making sure I broadcast the “anything is possible” attitude. So if I can do it, why can’t you?”